Raise the spire of miktrull puzzle
Raise the spire of miktrull puzzle

Thank you for using ’s Escape the the Underground Prison guide! I hope you enjoyed this article as well as the mission in Jedi Fallen Order. The next guide you might need is for the Ilum’s Puzzles. At this point Resting wont restore any dead enemies since all of this did not include any fights up until now.

raise the spire of miktrull puzzle

Don’t forget to Meditate to save your current progress. Next Cal has to face several creatures in Sorc Tormo’s Arena. This is essentially the end of the Escape from the Underground Jail puzzle. The plate before Cal in the image above is now a working elevator. Jedi Temple Walkthrough (Ice / Light Puzzle).Raise the Spire of Miktrull Walkthrough (Tomb of Miktrull Puzzle).How to Get More Stims (Canister Locations. Re-attach the right power cable to the right side of the machine to activate the right piston. As you enter through the door, BD-1 will jump off you and remind you that you have a terminal to overcharge. Now you are back in the oval room with the machinery. Take the corridor to the left as you head back out until you reach the small room with the terminal and a locked door. To get out of this cell, pull out the metal plate on the right side of the door and have BD-1 slice it. Your new objective is to escape the Underground Jail… as if it wasn’t already :) Now that BD-1 is with you again, you have access to the holomap. Jump down in the cell and watch the short cinematic of Cal and BD-1 being reunited. Force Pull the power cable again and plug it into the wall socket. Hanging from the power cable, use it as a rope to jump above BD-1’s cell. The conversation with Sootun is optional.Ĭross to the other side of this hall through the wall-run segment and pick up the power cable. The entrance is just behind the wall socket on the right side of the image above.įorce Push the metal door to open it and go through the narrow tunnel. As in the case of the previous tomb, there are many environmental puzzles to solve here. Take the power cable above that socket and plug it into the socket on the left wall, just outside the oval room with the machine.įacing the entrance of that oval room, now head out and enter the adjacent chamber on the right side. On this page of our guide to Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order you will find a detailed walkthrough of the Tomb of Miktrull section which has to be explored during the third chapter of the main campaign (during your another visit to Zeffo planet). Detach the right front cable from the right side of the machine and plug it to the wall socket on the right side. At the end of the corridor is the next power cables puzzle.Īttach the left cable to the left side of the machine. On your left and right you will see cages with various creatures locked inside. This is the mini puzzle that will let you out of your cell. To the left of the metal door there is another metal plate that, when pulled out, reveals a plug for the power cable. It does not store any personal data.After the events on Zeffo and the Tomb of Miktrull, you find yourself inprisoned in a cave, alone in a circle-shaped cell and without your Lightsaber.īehind you there is a metal plate on the wall that you can Force Pull towards you. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.

raise the spire of miktrull puzzle

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raise the spire of miktrull puzzle

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raise the spire of miktrull puzzle

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Raise the spire of miktrull puzzle